Maintaining Your AC Distributor for Optimal Performance

To ensure optimal performance of your AC distributor, it is recommended that you schedule an annual tune-up at least once a year. Clean or replace the filter or filters in your AC system every one to two months during the cooling season.

Maintaining Your AC Distributor for Optimal Performance

To guarantee that your air conditioning system and all its components are running smoothly, it is suggested that you book an annual tune-up at least once a year. This service, which is sometimes referred to as “clean and check”, should be done before the start of the cooling season in the spring. It is also important to repair your home air conditioning system at least once a year, as well as your heating system. Even though it is always a good idea to inspect and clean your air conditioner regularly throughout the year, it is essential to make an appointment for professional air conditioning service at least once a year.

There are various types of filters available, with different levels of efficiency. Clean or replace the filter or filters in your air conditioning system every one to two months during the cooling season. If your air conditioner is used constantly, exposed to dusty conditions, or if you have furry pets in the house, then the filters may need to be cleaned or replaced more often. However, this does not mean that you should not do anything yourself to maintain your air conditioner.

Professional air conditioner maintenance twice a year should suffice. The most important maintenance task that will improve the efficiency of your air conditioner is to replace or clean the air filters on a regular basis. Replace the one-inch pleated filters once a month. If you're not sure what type of filter to use, your Lennox dealer can recommend one depending on your specific system.

For all other filter sizes, your Lennox dealer will check, clean, or replace them at your annual maintenance visit. Remember that filters may need more frequent care if your air conditioner is in constant use, exposed to dusty conditions, or if you have pets in the house. Contact your Lennox dealer to find out what filter change frequency is right for your system. Your air conditioning technician will also check your thermostat to make sure it's accurate and that it communicates well with your air conditioning unit.

Demand for air conditioning units peaks during the summer months, and homeowners who plan ahead and buy an AC out of season can almost always take advantage of the savings. For example, your air conditioning specialist will lubricate your air conditioner parts to ensure that they work as well as possible.

Autumn Schierenbeck
Autumn Schierenbeck

Avid beer expert. Devoted pop culture geek. Incurable coffeeaholic. Extreme tv junkie. Award-winning twitter fan. Unapologetic introvert.