Maximizing Your AC Distributor Efficiency

Learn how to maximize your AC distributor efficiency by regularly replacing or cleaning your filters, keeping blinds or curtains closed during the day, and having your central air conditioner professionally inspected and adjusted.

Maximizing Your AC Distributor Efficiency

Keeping your air conditioner in top shape is essential for optimal efficiency. The most important task is to regularly replace or clean your filters. Dirty, clogged filters can impede air flow and significantly reduce system performance. When air flow is blocked, dirt can bypass the filter and settle on the evaporator coil, reducing its heat absorption capacity.

Replacing a dirty filter with a clean one can decrease energy consumption by 5-15%.You can also extend the life of your AC system by keeping blinds or curtains closed during the day, and installing awnings to protect south-facing windows from direct sunlight. Running the air conditioner with floor or ceiling fans can help cool air circulate more effectively. Since both the evaporator and condenser are sealed, any maintenance other than routine cleaning should be done by a professional service technician. Before each cooling season, it's important to have your central air conditioner professionally inspected and adjusted. However, this annual checkup shouldn't be the only maintenance you do.

While there aren't many repairs you can do yourself, there are specific procedures you can follow to keep your system running at peak efficiency.

Autumn Schierenbeck
Autumn Schierenbeck

Avid beer expert. Devoted pop culture geek. Incurable coffeeaholic. Extreme tv junkie. Award-winning twitter fan. Unapologetic introvert.