Does a Variable Speed AC Run All the Time? - Exploring the Benefits of Continuous Operation

Variable speed air conditioners are designed to run continuously, providing effective dehumidification of the air inside your home. Learn more about their benefits.

Does a Variable Speed AC Run All the Time? - Exploring the Benefits of Continuous Operation

Are you looking for an air conditioning system that can provide effective dehumidification and help reduce your utility costs? If so, you may want to consider a variable speed air conditioner. Also known as a variable capacity air conditioner or modulating air conditioner, these systems are designed to run continuously, providing a more comfortable environment and helping you save money. Unlike single-stage and two-stage air conditioners, which have one or two speeds respectively, a variable speed air conditioner has a compressor that is adjusted in small increments. This allows the thermostat to not only send information to the air conditioner about the speed at which it should operate, but also receive information from the air conditioner.

As a result, a two-stage air conditioner is able to remove moisture and filter the air more effectively than a single-stage one. The compressor in any type of air conditioner or heat pump (variable speed heat pumps are also available) pumps the refrigerant through the system and circulates it to the house, where it collects heat during an air conditioning cycle. This means that you can feel comfortable at higher temperatures and don't have to set the thermostat to a low temperature. In addition to providing effective dehumidification and helping reduce utility costs, variable speed air conditioners are also quieter than single-stage and two-stage systems. This is because they don't turn on as often, resulting in less noise.

If you're looking for an energy-efficient way to keep your home comfortable, a variable speed air conditioner may be the right choice for you. With its continuous operation and ability to remove moisture and filter the air more effectively than other systems, it can help you save money while providing a more comfortable environment.

Autumn Schierenbeck
Autumn Schierenbeck

Avid beer expert. Devoted pop culture geek. Incurable coffeeaholic. Extreme tv junkie. Award-winning twitter fan. Unapologetic introvert.